The Ethnobotanical Conservation Organization or EthnoCO is dedicated to the preservation, dissemination and celebration of indigenous culture with a focus on the Peruvian Andes and Amazon. We offer tours, adventures, lectures, classes, workshops and exotic products from the unique cultures of Peru.
We work directly with native people to give them better prices for goods/services. We encourage community building projects and bring income directly to remote native villages by purchasing traditional handicrafts and hiring native guides. We promote fair trade and sustainable tourism that values and reinforces indigenous culture and pride.
Offering a range of activities and products from Ethnobotany adventures, Cultural tours, Anthropology lectures, Herbalism workshops, Amazonian expeditions, Andean trekking, Bushcraft classes, Survival skills, Outdoor education, Artisanal handicrafts, Traditional textiles, Rare fruits & plants, Heirloom seeds, Medicinal botanicals, Exotic wares, Handmade goods, Natural products, Economic botany, Folk remedies, Holistic healing, Shamanism, Organic entheogens, Indigenous people, Native spirituality, Ecology, Forestry, Permaculture, Foraging and more!
Click on "Shop" above to see our unique selection of products from the darkest depths of Amazonia and the most remote reaches of the Andes or check out "Expeditions & Adventures" to join in the adventure yourself!

"Something hidden. Go and find it.
Go and look behind the Ranges;
Something lost behind the Ranges.
Lost and waiting for you. Go!"
-Rudyard Kipling, "The Explorer" 1898