~~~ Plant Collection Form ~~~
>Collection Number: Make a collection number for each plant collection. Create the numbers using the following information, in the following order- Collecter's intials, day, month, year of collection, number of collections made that day. Ex: B.P.C. 25-09-2012:01 >Common/Local Name: What do local people call the plant? >Scientific/Latin Name: Including family, genus and species. If the species or genus is unknown then just write the family name or simply "unknown". >Locality: Where was the plant collected? Be as specific as possible. >Habitat/Terrian/Enviroment: Including soil type, climate, slope, shade, etc. >Altitude: How many meters/feet above sea-level was the plant collected? >Associated Flora & Fauna: What other plants and animals were around when the plant was collected, note which fauna feeds upon or pollinates the plant, etc. >General Description: Write a description of the plant with the features which cannot be preserved in dried specimens or photos should be top prioity in your notes. >Scent: How does the plant smell? >Frequency: Is the plant rare or abundant at the collection site? >Ethnobotanical Data: Show do people use this plant? Should include parts of the plant used, preperation method, its uses among local people, source of the data (informants name, etc.), etc. >Date of Collection: What was the date, season, time, etc. of the collection? The month and day should be recorded in words unlike the collection number which is recorded in digits. Example- During the Summer on June the fifth, twenety-tweleve at five thirty eight in the afternoon. >Photos: Take many photos from various angles, especially of the flowers, seeds and other key features. >Plant Pressing: Make one or several plant pressings of the specimen including distinct parts like flowers and seeds. Dry all plant material well. >Video: Take a video showing the plant from various angles and/or showing preperation or an interview with a local person describing it's usage.

~When describing the ethnobotanical usage of any plant try to include all of the following-
*Scientific Name (Binomial Nomenclature)- What is the plant's scientific name
*Common Name- What is the common name that the plant is called by local people near the plant's native range?
*General Description (Intro)- Write a short general description about the plant.
*Botanical Description- What does the plant look like? Write a botanical description of how the plant looks, feels, smells, etc.
*Origin & Native Habitat- Where does the plant grow? What region of world? What type of environment?
*History & Traditional Use- How do native/local people use the plant where it grows?
*Germination- How can the plant be grown from seed?
*Cultivation- How is the plant properly grown?
*Propagation- How can you make more plants? Seeds? Cuttings?
*Harvest- What is the best way to harvest the plant to yeild the highest quaility product?
*Preparation & Storage- How is the plant prepared after harvest? Dried? How is it stored? How long will it keep?
*Safety & Precautions- What precautions should I take before ingesting the plant? How can I be as safe as possible when using this plant?
*Ingestion- What is the best way to ingest this plant? Is it edible? Medicinal? Toxic? Deadly?
*The Experience- What is the experience of ingesting this plant like? What does it taste like? What are it's medicinal effects?
*Active Constitutes- What are the active chemical properties in this plant?
*Summary (Outré)- What is your general opinion overall about this plant?
*Notes- Do you have anything else to add that doesn't fit in the above catgories? Like links to websites or tourist information?